Iisabella Gray's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

beautiful Date: May 12th @ 1:22am EDT
mina de piedras preciosas, mi imperio,
?que afortunado soy al descubrirte!
Entrar en tus amarras es soltarse
de todo lazo, alli donde mi firma
esta posada inscribire mi sello: ?oh desnudez!
love u Date: May 8th @ 11:08pm EDT
Oh, what do you think about that?
Now you know how I feel
Say you can handle my love, are you for real?
(Are you for real?)
I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try
I didn't want to deceive you Date: May 8th @ 9:30pm EDT
I tried to find you
But you hid inside yourself and never listened to me
In your desire to ignore me, it didn't occur to you that the city is big.
And someone, seeing me sad, lonely and weak, was going to take advantage.
you lost me :) Date: May 8th @ 9:29pm EDT
Lamento comunicarte que aprendi de tus errores
Amaneci en otra cama que en verdad merece honores
Me ensenaste a ser cruel a dar la espalda en vez de besos
(Mejor por que no te marchas)
Y olvidamos este infierno
Sueños de habitación Date: May 8th @ 9:27pm EDT
Suenos de habitacion
De un hotel de carretera
Y unas gotas de lluvia
Que guardo en esta maleta
Ruedan por el colchon
De mi cama ya desierta
Es la mejor solucion
Para el dolor de cabeza
together with our love Date: May 8th @ 9:25pm EDT
Si quieres mi futuro, olvida mi pasado.
Si quieres venir conmigo, sera mejor que lo hagas rapido.
Ahora no pierdas mi precioso tiempo.
Actuen juntos, podriamos estar bien
for u love Date: May 8th @ 9:23pm EDT
Lost in paradise
Night and day are fading out
When time gets rough
Access to your love
Lost in paradise
Night and day are fading out
Keep on dance now
I'm strong Date: May 8th @ 9:20pm EDT
Oh nothing is for real
That's how you make me feel
I got beaten, stompin'on love
Pick up my wasted time
Oh god might understand
Nobody can't hold me down
lost in paradise Date: May 8th @ 9:20pm EDT
I won't give up the fight in my life
Cause my life is living for love
And I won't give up the fight in my life
Stand off and groove on time
Tokyo prison
I'm going to relight your feeling
When time gets rough
Night and day are fading
I'm going to relight your feeling
There's no time to explain
hazme tuyaaaa Date: May 8th @ 3:25am EDT
solos tu, yo
mi cuerpo el tuyo
lamo tus pechos
mordisco tus pezones
te exitas me exitas con tu gemir
abro tu mas valioso regalo
que hay en medio de tus piernas
chupo tu elixir
lo introduzco eyaculo una y otra ves
y tu gemir se hace interminable.....
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